First Hunt's official blog. A wonderful way to be involved with everything that First Hunt is doing throughout the year, from Convocation to Commencement.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Hall Dinner
I would also like to thank all of the parents who prepared and brought food, or donated money or gift cards; everything went to good use. We could not have done this event without you I would also like to have a special thanks for Kevin Chu, Adam Carey, and Will Greene. These guys helped make a few of the delicious holiday dishes. Everyone who contributed made this event really special.
Have a good rest of the week and get ready for a well deserved holiday break!
Matt Hughes
Saturday, December 5, 2009
If you have forgot to send money or sign up to bring some sort of dish(we are short on sides and deserts) and you would still like to please email me. Thank you
If your parents gave you money or gift cards to give to me, please do so. :)
Hope everyone is having a good weekend,
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I hope everyone had a great trimester break. I know you are all coming back well rested and fed, ready to start second trimester. Good luck with your new classes and I hope there will only be good surprises when everyone gets their trimester grades back. Take care, study hard, and stress a little less. :)
Matt Hughes
Monday, November 9, 2009
Male Unicorns Place 4th in State
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Roommate Game
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Cyrano de Bergerac

Last weekend (Oct 23rd - 25th), the NCSSM Drama Board performed the play Cyrano de Bergerac. It is a great tale of a great man with a big nose, who is in love with a beautiful woman, but ultimately is too self-conscious about his appearance to tell her. Two members of 1st Hunt performed in this production. Colin Ringwood played the part of Cyrano, and Jordan Firn played the part of Viscount Valvert. The most exciting part of the play was when Cyrano and Valvert had a swordfight on stage. Both Colin and Jordan did wuite well in thier performance. As a hall, we went to the play on Sunday and then after the play, ate diner as a group in the PFM. Colin and Jordan also performed their swordfight as entertainment for the NCSSM staff at the Staff Appreciation Day Lunch.
1st Hunt Talent Show

As most of you know, 1st Hunt is the hall of wonders, and with this we are also a hall of many talents. We got to show some of those talents last week in the 1st Hunt Talent Show. This is a time for everyone to gather in the lounge and show everyone one what they got. Some of the performances include monologues from our actors Jordan and Colin, songs by Evan, a stunning rendition of Grey Squirrel by Dustin, and group performances by room 103, aka Durant, Nkenge, and Richi. This was a lot of fun, and we plan for many more talent shows in the future. Hopefully we will be able to get a little something out of everyone. But until then everyone take care, and do well on exams this week!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Thank You
First hunt would like to thank Scott and his family for providing hall food this week. The subs and cake were very good. We enjoyed in greatly. We would also like to wish him a happy birthday. Hope it is a good one. Thank you again,
First Hunt
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Wonder Kid- Evan Strother

What I watch on TV – The Office
What music I listen to – Classic Rock
What I drive – My mom's Jetta :P
Favorite movie – One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
What I'm reading- Walt Whitman poems for AmStud
Favorite Subject in School – Anatomy and Physiology
Favorite Hobby - Playing guitar
Superstitions – Don't walk under a ladder. Take it from experience.
Worst habit – Never wear my hat straight
Biggest Pet-peeve- Chewing with your mouth open.
On my door room walls – a photo of Megan Fox
The one person I'd love to trade places with for a day – Will Ferrel
My first job - Teaching guitar lessons
My favorite meal – Hamburgers. Easy.
Talent I'd most like to have (or superpower) - Teleportation
My favorite athlete, coach or owner to watch in another sport – Sidney Crosby
Favorite Cook Out Milkshake – Oreo
Where do you want to visit - Panama
Favorite sports team growing up – Pittsburgh Steelers!
My Greatest Love - Music
My favorite physical attribute - Curly Hair
What do you value in others- Honesty
My hero - Uh, just about anyone who's taught me something valuable in life.
My motto – "Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind" :D
IM Ultimate Update
We want to congratulate our hall on a hard fought IM Ultimate Season. Our hall finished the season 3-1 regular season and lost in the playoffs to our brother hall 2W. Everyone played well and there was a lot of much appreciated participation. There were some rough patches at the end of the season and led to an unfortunate short ending. However, we are still in good shape for winning the Chancellor's Cup. It is still early and we have a lot of potential. Our next IM season will be IM volleyball. This is by far the most intense IM season. First Hunt won the Volleyball Championship last year. First Hunt must repeat that feat this year. We will train very hard over the winter, and come out hard in Febuary.
Congrats again on the hard fought season guys,
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thank you
This week we thank Will Greene and his family for providing us with hall food. It was tasty and we appreciate it very much. Thank you!!
First Hunt
Monday, October 19, 2009
Wonder Kid- Eli Turlington

What I watch on TV – The Office, How I Met Your Mother, Sports
What music I listen to –most everything, I’m really into a band called the Avett brothers at the moment.
What I drive –’95 Volvo 850
Favorite movie – Zoolander
What I'm reading – A Surfer magazine, What ever is assigned in Amstud
Favorite Subject in School –Chemistry
Favorite Hobby - running
Superstitions – Not too superstitious, but I always knock on wood
Worst habit – Caring too much
Biggest Pet-peeve – smacking gum
On my dorm room walls – Pink flyod, Wakeforest and surfing posters
The one person I'd love to trade places with for a day – Steve Jobs
My first job – Soccer referee
My favorite meal – Pizza
Talent I'd most like to have (or superpower) – Superior intellect
My favorite athlete, coach or owner to watch in another sport – Chris Paul, Rilley Sinner
Favorite Cook Out Milkshake – Peanut butter chocolate banana
Where do you want to visit - California
Favorite sports team growing up – Wake Forrest
My Greatest Love - Surfing
My favorite physical attribute – My new smile
What do you value in others - Sincerity
My hero – Nick Leman
My motto - Im In a Race a race Against Time because Every Body Else Is in Race Against Mine
Thank you
We want to give our appreciation to Tony Phillips and his parents for providing hall food last week. We really enjoy everything the parents do for us. Thank you,
1st Hunt
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Men's Soccer Update
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thank You
We want to thank Eli Turlington and his parents for providing hall food for this week. We greatly enjoyed our little "fiesta". The food was greatly appreciated and tasted very good. Thank you very much!!
1st Hunt
Wonder Kid- Martin Bahena

What I watch on TV – scrubs, the office, house, the simpsons, family guy, etc.
What music I listen to –rock, rap, reggaeton, techno, spanish
What I drive – saturn
Favorite movie – Click/Toy Story
What I'm reading - freaking amstud
Favorite Subject in School –chemistry
Favorite Hobby -soccer
Superstitions – knocking on wood, crossing fingers
Worst habit – procrastinating
On my door room walls – posters and signs and pictures of friends from back home
My favorite meal – mom's food
Talent I'd most like to have (or superpower) - musical talent
My favorite athlete, coach or owner to watch in another sport – manny pacquiao
Favorite Cook Out Milkshake – mint chocolate chip
Where do you want to visit - mexico
Favorite sports team growing up – manchester united, UNAM, USA soccer team
My Greatest Love - friends
What do you value in others- loyalty
My hero - chuck norris
My motto – one day your life will flash before your eyes, make sure its worth watching.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Cross Country Season Running Smoothly
On Tuesday, the Unis took their cause to South Granville to wage a war of swiftness against the host team and visiting Carrboro High School. Taking only the development squad, NCSSM still showed progress and energy on a dreary day. Elliot and Caleb both ran strong races considering the difficulty of the terrain. First Hunt is proud of the way its runners represent the hall and the school. Keep up the good work!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thank You
This week we would like to thank Jordan Firn and his family for providing the hall food this week. The subs were thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated. Thank you for your contribution to our hall.
1st Hunt
Note: On hall we have residents who are vegetarian and/or cannot eat pork. So when it is your time to bring food, we ask that you provide an alternative so everyone can eat. We don't want anyone to be isolated and left out. Thank you.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Dr. Naiman Day

For those who do not remember, Dr. Naiman is our hall mom and today is her birthday! In order to show our love and appreciation we will forever celebrate this day, September 30th, as Dr. Naiman Day. Thank you so much for all you do for our hall and for the school. With love and gratitude we thank you. We hope today was "nothing short of amazing" just like you.
Very Much Love,
1st Hunt.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Wonder Kid- Jonathan York

What I watch on TV – Scrubs
What music I listen to – most everything that isn't rap
What I drive – I only have a permit...
Favorite movie – My Boss' Daughter
What I'm reading - Whatever's assigned for Amstud mostly :-)
Favorite Subject in School – Biology
Favorite Hobby - Biting my nails Worst habit – Biting my nails :-)
Superstitions – I'm not a very superstitious person
On my dorm room walls – Not much
The one person I'd love to trade places with for a day – Not Sure
My first job - Tutor
My favorite meal – PFM food :-)
Talent I'd most like to have (or superpower) - Teleportation or some sort of time freezing power
My favorite athlete, coach or owner to watch in another sport – Hmm... I'm not real big on sports
Favorite Cook Out Milkshake – Oreo
Where do you want to visit - Either Britain, Japan, or France would be pretty awesome
Favorite sports team growing up – I guess that would have to be the Panthers
My Greatest Love - Being Awesome
My favorite physical attribute - Can't say I've given it much thought, though I've always thought my eyes were rather piercing :-)
What do you value in others- Honesty, responsibility, intelligence
My hero - I don't really have one
My motto – "Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but never actually gets you anywhere."
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Thank You
Thank you,
1st Hunt
MS Bike Tour
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Hall Pancakes
Last night, we had our hall program of hall pancakes. We were invited to hang out, eat pancakes, and watch X-men Wolverine at Mike's apartment. We would like to thank Mike, Dustin, Jordan, Kevin, and Spencer for doing most of the cooking. The pancakes were delicious. We had blueberry, banana, chocolate chip, peanut butter chip and a combination of all of them. Watching X-men was also great. The commentary of Durant and Richi made for some fun video watching. Thank you to everyone who participated and made it a great program.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wonder kid-Jeremy McLaughlin

What I watch on TV – espn and comedy central
What music I listen to – everything except hard core rock.
What I drive – nothing yet but hopefully a jeep next summer
Favorite movie – wizard of oz
What I'm reading – days of grace by arthur ashe
Favorite Subject in School – american studies
Favorite Hobby – of late, playing chess but usually any sport
Superstitions – I believe in karma
Worst habit – drinking soda religiously
On my door room walls – a poster of michael jordan, the bank job and rendition movies
The one person I'd love to trade places with for a day – will smith
My first job – assistant kennel technician aka pooper scooper at my dads vet office
My favorite meal – sushi
Talent I'd most like to have (or superpower) – musical ability. Write it, play it, sing it.
My favorite athlete, coach or owner to watch in another sport – brett favre
Favorite Cook Out Milkshake – banana pudding
Where do you want to visit – rio de janeiro, brazil
My Greatest Love – film. Write it, direct it, star in it, edit it, produce it.
My favorite physical attribute – my hair is all I got going for me
What do you value in others- honesty.
My hero – if my parents are reading this, you guys! But otherwise michael jordan, arthur ashe, and brett favre.
My motto – J.P. j/p
Two Wins for Soccer

This week has been a good change of pace for the soccer team. They won both games; 7-1 against South Granville and 3-0 against Granville Central. On hall, both Richi and Neal scored in both games. Dustin, Spencer, and Clint played well in the defense to allow only one goal. Matt and Martin played well in the Midfield. The next big game will be Monday against Northwood. They are the team to beat for a chance of winning the conference championship. Hopefully all players will be healthy and ready to go on Monday. Go Uni's!!
Thank You
1st Hunt
Wonder Kid

What music I listen to – Contemporary Christian and Christian Rock, Country, Soft Rock
What I drive – Jeep Grand Cherokee
Favorite movie – Remember the Titans
What I'm reading – AP Biology
Favorite Subject in School – Biology
Favorite Hobby - Soccer
Superstitions – I don’t really have any
Worst habit – Biting my fingernails
On my dorm room walls – Schedule for school and sports
The one person I'd love to trade places with for a day – Barack Obama
My first job – Haven’t had one yet
My favorite meal – Angel Hair Spaghetti
Talent I'd most like to have (or superpower) – Super speed
My favorite athlete, coach or owner to watch in another sport – Chipper Jones
Favorite Cook Out Milkshake – Chocolate
Where do you want to visit – Great Barrier Reef
Favorite sports team growing up – Charlotte Hornets
My Greatest Love – Outdoors in the Spring
My favorite physical attribute – IDK
What do you value in others- Honesty
My hero – Jesus
My motto – Give 110% in everything you do.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Intramural Update
We are now preparing for the upcoming Ultimate Frisbee season. Our team will be led by senior captain, Colin Ringwood and junior captain, Daniel Milam. We are excited and optimisic about the upcoming season. Lets bring one home #1 Hunt.
Cyrano de Bergerac
Monday, September 14, 2009
Cross Country Team Starts Strong
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Thank you
1st Hunt
Unfortunate Losses
After practice today, and a long talk, things look like they are turning around for the team. The next game is Monday away. Hopefully the Uni's will be able to bring home the win.
Another notable hall mention is Neal Lewis has been names one of the junior captains. He has not been able to play due to a knee injury, but we hope to see him back for Monday's game.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Hall Food Thanks
The hall wanted to take the time to thank the parents that have provided hall food the past two weeks. So thank you parents of Richi, Nkenge, and Eli. Your contributions are really appreciated and we love everything you do for us. The food has been wonderful, but the time we get to spend together Wednesday nights is even more special. So we thank you again.
1st Hunt
PS. There are still openings to sign up for hall food if you wish to provide food.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Parents please log into FOCUS
As we prepare for our emergency notification test coming up on September 14, we need to make sure we have all of your contact information correctly stored in our student information system. Please log into FOCUS ( by Wednesday, September 9, 2009 and confirm your contact information available at "My Child" --> "Child Info" --> "Addresses and Contacts."
Once there, please:
1) Confirm that your child's home address and home phone number are correct.
2) Confirm that you are listed in the "Contacts at this Address" list.
3) Click your name and confirm that the cell phone and e-mail address listed are correct.
4) Click the "Update My Information" link if anything is incorrect or data is missing. You will have the opportunity in that form to submit any other information we need to know in the "Notes" section at the end of the form.
If you have any questions or have any trouble logging into FOCUS, please contact Lauren Everhart, director of communications, at 919.416.2872 or
NCSSM Communications
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
5-3 Win over Roanoke Rapids

Today the NCSSM men's soccer team defeated Roanoke Rapids 5-3 at home. It was an intense match with many lead changes. A few notable mentions from first hunt were Richi and Neal with 2 goals apiece. Matt, Dustin, Clint, and Spencer all played strong defense. Martin played outside midfield with great skill as well. This game was an important win because it was our first home game, and Roanoke Rapids play similar to the teams we play in conference. With a few minor adjustments, we are looking forward to a good season.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Brother-Sister Hall Activities
Thursday, August 27, 2009
IM's and the Chancellor's Cup
T-Shirt Signing Dance
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
First week update
You have wonderful sons and I am honored to be a part of the NEW 1st HUNT!! I look forward to working with all of you in the near future
- Michael
Hall food list
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

One special NCSSM tradition is Convocation. This is an important event where we welcome the new school year. Traditionally we walk with our sister hall and sit with them during the ceremony. Afterward there is a reception on Bryan Lawn. The Speaker this year was Dr. Cates. She is an NCSSM alumnus and now co-owns her own Chemical company. Her challenge for the students this year includes four things: believe in yourself, find your passion, be brave, and dream big. Other speakers included the student body president, Saumil jariwala, and Charles Eilber.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Ice Cream Social/Dance
After the Junior picnic there is always the ice cream social/ dance that follows. We start the dance by eating our fill of drumsticks, fudgesicles, and ice cream sandwiches. Then we dance! The electric slide, making up dance moves, and singing Taylor Swift at the top of our lungs were just a few of the favorites. The ice cream social is a good way to make friends and express yourself. The rule is, you do not have to be good, you just have to dance!
Junior Picnic
The Junior picnic is the first social event where all the juniors, senior leaders, and SLI's get together. This event takes place on Bryan Lawn. We enjoy hamburgers, hotdogs, veggie burgers, each others company and much more. This is a great tradition, and helps juniors meet each other, SLI's, and senior leaders in an open, friendly atmosphere.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Hall of Wonders
Matt Hughes-RLA

Colin Ringwood - RLA

Why hello there. I didn't see you come in. Well, let me introduce myself. I am Colin Ringwood, one of your 1st Hunt RLAs for the year. I am originally from New Jersey, and after my freshman year, I moved down to Clayton, NC. I have 1 brother who is 4 years older than me, and a cat named Shiva. Here at NCSSM, I am involved in quite a lot. I am captain of the Science & Math Ultimate Frisbee (SMUF) team, which ranked 3rd in the state last year. I am very active in drama, and I participate in each of the plays/musicals that are produced during the school year. I also host the Koffeehaus events that take place throughout the year. My favorite subject at Smath is physics and I have been taking quite a few of those classes. Although I was not on 1st Hunt last year, I am very excited to be part of the 1st Hunt family this year. My door is always open and I love visitors so dont be shy to pop in and say hello. Peace.
Caleb Dagenhart - RLA
Dustin Fuller - RLA

Welcome to NCSSM! I am one of your four great RLAs, Dustin Fuller, currently residing in the annex! My hometown is located right outside of Raleigh in Garner, North Carolina. I live with both of my parents and my younger sister and brother. I eat just about any type of food and listen to all varieties of music. Soccer is my favorite sport and I've played every year since I was three. Carolina Tarheels are the number one team to pull for! I can't wait to chill with the First Hunt 'Bros and live it up on 1st HUNT!
Michael Newbauer - Director of Residential Life/1st Hunt SLI
Welcome to 1st Hunt! We have a lot planned for you this year. I am excited to be working on such a great hall. This will be my fourth year on 1st Hunt. I was previously on 2nd Hill for 7 years. I look forward to meeting you this Saturday. Just a couple of reminders that you will need to bring dress clothes for Convocation. Also will need a white T-shirt for the T-shirt signing dance.