On August 16th, 2014, First Hunt welcomed thirteen new Juniors into our family. Thanks to the help of many Seniors serving in Leadership positions, as well as RLA's, SLI's, and you, the Juniors, move-in day was a huge success. We are happy to have every Junior on hall and finally be able to meet each and every one of you. We, the RLA's, as well as the SLI, Mr. Newbauer, are so excited for this year. We have an amazing group of guys, who together are already beginning to form the bonds of friendship that lead to a strong, tight-knit hall.
Ian and Gabe settling on on move-in day |
Chandler re-arranges his room in Room 103 |
Move-in day was a busy day for all of us. For Seniors, it was our turn to welcome the Juniors to NCSSM, to First Hunt, and to begin to show them the ins-and-outs of NCSSM life. As far as our schedule for the day, the Juniors and the RLA's came together around 3pm for a couple of name games and icebreakers. We each had to introduce ourselves, where we were from, and come up with an adjective that describes ourselves. After more name games, we went over some basic residence hall rules and talked a little bit about safety (fire drills, tornado drills, etc.) We took a break after the meeting and came back together at 5:00pm for the cookout, which was held out on Bryan Lawn. Juniors and Seniors sat down together and chowed down on hamburgers, hot dogs, and macaroni- with plenty of time for socializing. By the end of the meal, many Juniors walked towards the Ice Cream Social Dance chatting away with small groups and newfound friends. RLA's from girls and boys halls alike were there to facilitate socializing, and introduce Juniors to friends, and friends to the Juniors. After dinner and social time, everyone walked over to the ETC "Pit" Courtyard where a DJ was set up to DJ the Ice Cream Social Dance. The dance is always a fun time and a great opportunity to connect with new people.
Tejas and Trey look good to go! |
After the dance, we all met up in the First Hunt Lounge with the Seniors (those that hold leadership positions), then played more Icebreakers, name games, and introduced Juniors on hall to Seniors on hall. We learned a few more rules, and then some of the hall headed out to "Happy Half"- which is a 30 minute period where people gather in the center of campus, just to socialize and relieve a little bit of stress at the end of the day. After Happy Half, we all returned to the Main Hall Lounge and then went back to our rooms, tired from a long day!