Hey everyone!
I'm Michael Robinson, and I'll be taking over the responsibilities of Assistant on 1st Hunt next year. I will be maintaining the Hall Blog. I'm currently a resident of 4th West in Room 409, but I am absolutely ecstatic to move down to the Annex next year in room 130. I am captain of the Men's Soccer team, and also a Senior Senator. I love cooking, good music, and a good night's rest. I can't wait for the lifelong bonds that are sure to form between hall members, and to see how we can form a cohesive unit as a hall on the road to domination as the best hall on campus!
Get ready for an awesome year!
Michael Robinson

My name is Huston Collins and I will be one of the RLA’s on First Hunt next year. My hometown is Pilot
Mountain, a small town near Winston-Salem.
I am super excited about helping juniors make the transition to NCSSM’s unique environment and to
succeed academically and emotionally. I have a passion for learning as well as playing the violin. Juniors
will find me in my room with an open door and though I may have a rigorous schedule, I will always
make time to chat. I lived on 1st Hunt last year and look forward to creating an awesome environment
with my Co-RLAs.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Huston Collins

My name is Otis Skipper and I'm from Asheville, NC. I will be living in room 131 in the Annex. I enjoy hiking, ping pong and playing IM volleyball. My favorite activity is soccer, I played on the NCSSM soccer team last year, and will also play this year. I'm really looking forward to welcoming all of the juniors and intend to plan lots of great hall activities for the upcoming year.
Can't wait for the new year!
Otis Skipper

My name is Vitchyr Pong and I will be RLA on the best hall on campus: First Hunt! I am from Cary, North Carolina, a nice quiet town just west of Raleigh. I can’t wait to work with everyone on First Hunt and make sure that it is a fun and friendly environment. As the manager of housekeeping, I will also make sure that the hall is clean for everyone to enjoy. For fun, I participate in Ultimate Frisbee, breakdancing, chess, speech and debate, volunteering (besides workservice), juggling, sports in general, and anything else that catches my eyes. I’ll be living on First Hunt Main, but I look forward to getting to know all of you because this year is going to be awesome.
See you in the fall!
Vitchyr Pong