On Sunday, October 24, we had the First Hunt Relay. A competition for men, between men, to see which of our inspirational groups most deserved to hold the First Hunt Cup of Glory. We had 14 hall-mates
show up looking for fame. They were divided into 4 groups depending on their inspirational group (Jeremy Dejournett joined the writers so he could be on an even numbered team). Then, at the sound of Evan
Strother's booming voice, the relay commenced. Four teams furiously completed the eleven events, ranging from a peanut butter sandwich eating race, to leapfrogging to the middle of the circle and back. Kerry
Ellwanger set the Athletes off to a fast start by finishing the peanut butter sandwich before any other competitor followed shortly by Jeremy Dejournett, but Jeremiah Mcleod and Vitchyr Pong brought their teams
back in the Somersault and Hand Walking events. In the end, the three victorious competitors were those from the Thinker group: Grady Nash, Morgan Rothe, and Vitchyr Pong. All three proudly lifted the cup
high amidst streaming rays of sunlight to proclaim their victory.