First Hunt's official blog. A wonderful way to be involved with everything that First Hunt is doing throughout the year, from Convocation to Commencement.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Thank You
First hunt would like to thank Scott and his family for providing hall food this week. The subs and cake were very good. We enjoyed in greatly. We would also like to wish him a happy birthday. Hope it is a good one. Thank you again,
First Hunt
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Wonder Kid- Evan Strother

What I watch on TV – The Office
What music I listen to – Classic Rock
What I drive – My mom's Jetta :P
Favorite movie – One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
What I'm reading- Walt Whitman poems for AmStud
Favorite Subject in School – Anatomy and Physiology
Favorite Hobby - Playing guitar
Superstitions – Don't walk under a ladder. Take it from experience.
Worst habit – Never wear my hat straight
Biggest Pet-peeve- Chewing with your mouth open.
On my door room walls – a photo of Megan Fox
The one person I'd love to trade places with for a day – Will Ferrel
My first job - Teaching guitar lessons
My favorite meal – Hamburgers. Easy.
Talent I'd most like to have (or superpower) - Teleportation
My favorite athlete, coach or owner to watch in another sport – Sidney Crosby
Favorite Cook Out Milkshake – Oreo
Where do you want to visit - Panama
Favorite sports team growing up – Pittsburgh Steelers!
My Greatest Love - Music
My favorite physical attribute - Curly Hair
What do you value in others- Honesty
My hero - Uh, just about anyone who's taught me something valuable in life.
My motto – "Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind" :D
IM Ultimate Update
We want to congratulate our hall on a hard fought IM Ultimate Season. Our hall finished the season 3-1 regular season and lost in the playoffs to our brother hall 2W. Everyone played well and there was a lot of much appreciated participation. There were some rough patches at the end of the season and led to an unfortunate short ending. However, we are still in good shape for winning the Chancellor's Cup. It is still early and we have a lot of potential. Our next IM season will be IM volleyball. This is by far the most intense IM season. First Hunt won the Volleyball Championship last year. First Hunt must repeat that feat this year. We will train very hard over the winter, and come out hard in Febuary.
Congrats again on the hard fought season guys,
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thank you
This week we thank Will Greene and his family for providing us with hall food. It was tasty and we appreciate it very much. Thank you!!
First Hunt
Monday, October 19, 2009
Wonder Kid- Eli Turlington

What I watch on TV – The Office, How I Met Your Mother, Sports
What music I listen to –most everything, I’m really into a band called the Avett brothers at the moment.
What I drive –’95 Volvo 850
Favorite movie – Zoolander
What I'm reading – A Surfer magazine, What ever is assigned in Amstud
Favorite Subject in School –Chemistry
Favorite Hobby - running
Superstitions – Not too superstitious, but I always knock on wood
Worst habit – Caring too much
Biggest Pet-peeve – smacking gum
On my dorm room walls – Pink flyod, Wakeforest and surfing posters
The one person I'd love to trade places with for a day – Steve Jobs
My first job – Soccer referee
My favorite meal – Pizza
Talent I'd most like to have (or superpower) – Superior intellect
My favorite athlete, coach or owner to watch in another sport – Chris Paul, Rilley Sinner
Favorite Cook Out Milkshake – Peanut butter chocolate banana
Where do you want to visit - California
Favorite sports team growing up – Wake Forrest
My Greatest Love - Surfing
My favorite physical attribute – My new smile
What do you value in others - Sincerity
My hero – Nick Leman
My motto - Im In a Race a race Against Time because Every Body Else Is in Race Against Mine
Thank you
We want to give our appreciation to Tony Phillips and his parents for providing hall food last week. We really enjoy everything the parents do for us. Thank you,
1st Hunt
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Men's Soccer Update
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thank You
We want to thank Eli Turlington and his parents for providing hall food for this week. We greatly enjoyed our little "fiesta". The food was greatly appreciated and tasted very good. Thank you very much!!
1st Hunt
Wonder Kid- Martin Bahena

What I watch on TV – scrubs, the office, house, the simpsons, family guy, etc.
What music I listen to –rock, rap, reggaeton, techno, spanish
What I drive – saturn
Favorite movie – Click/Toy Story
What I'm reading - freaking amstud
Favorite Subject in School –chemistry
Favorite Hobby -soccer
Superstitions – knocking on wood, crossing fingers
Worst habit – procrastinating
On my door room walls – posters and signs and pictures of friends from back home
My favorite meal – mom's food
Talent I'd most like to have (or superpower) - musical talent
My favorite athlete, coach or owner to watch in another sport – manny pacquiao
Favorite Cook Out Milkshake – mint chocolate chip
Where do you want to visit - mexico
Favorite sports team growing up – manchester united, UNAM, USA soccer team
My Greatest Love - friends
What do you value in others- loyalty
My hero - chuck norris
My motto – one day your life will flash before your eyes, make sure its worth watching.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Cross Country Season Running Smoothly
On Tuesday, the Unis took their cause to South Granville to wage a war of swiftness against the host team and visiting Carrboro High School. Taking only the development squad, NCSSM still showed progress and energy on a dreary day. Elliot and Caleb both ran strong races considering the difficulty of the terrain. First Hunt is proud of the way its runners represent the hall and the school. Keep up the good work!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thank You
This week we would like to thank Jordan Firn and his family for providing the hall food this week. The subs were thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated. Thank you for your contribution to our hall.
1st Hunt
Note: On hall we have residents who are vegetarian and/or cannot eat pork. So when it is your time to bring food, we ask that you provide an alternative so everyone can eat. We don't want anyone to be isolated and left out. Thank you.