First Hunt's official blog. A wonderful way to be involved with everything that First Hunt is doing throughout the year, from Convocation to Commencement.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Brother-Sister Hall Activities
At Science and Math we have something called brother and sister halls. A brother-sister hall paring is a male and female hall that work together over the year to do programs. Our sister hall for this year is Ground Reynolds. So far they have been a great sister hall. We have cheered for each other in IM's, eaten smores, and they have made us cupcakes. So last night, Aug. 30, we repaid them by doing their housekeeping. They were really glad, and it was a ton of fun. We even got Mike Newbauer to scrub a toilet or two. (Pictures will be coming Soon) Overall, it was a fun and easy way to repay them for being awesome. We plan to do many more brother-sister hall activities over the course of the year.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
IM's and the Chancellor's Cup
On Monday, August 24, was our first game in intramural soccer. We did not win, however, we did play well together and learned a lot about strategy and team rotation. Also, there was a great amount of participation. This is important because it helps us score points and ultimately win the Chancellor's cup. The Chancellor's cup is an athletic cup presented at the end of the year to the hall who has the most points. There are many ways to receive these points. First is by winning games, then winning the Im cup for each individual sport (soccer, ultimate frisbee, volleyball, and basketball), and last, participation. We have a good start, and our chances of winning look promising. Go Number One Hunt!
T-Shirt Signing Dance
This past weekend, was another one of NCSSM's traditions. This event was the t-shirt signing dance. This event is basically a fast paced rush to get as many peoples signatures as you can; and in doing this, you meet and re-meet people from the first week of school. It is a way to relax after a long first week of class, homework, and adjustment.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
First week update
We have had a wonderful week getting to know each other and adjusting to the class schedules. The Cave of Wonders and Hall of Wonders are doing a great job of bonding with each other. I am truly impressed how easy and fast it was to get them connected. The RLA's have done a great job creating programs in the main and the annex for all to participate in. The housekeeping rotation has helped because they have to work with each other on getting their jobs complete in certain areas on hall.
You have wonderful sons and I am honored to be a part of the NEW 1st HUNT!! I look forward to working with all of you in the near future
- Michael
You have wonderful sons and I am honored to be a part of the NEW 1st HUNT!! I look forward to working with all of you in the near future
- Michael
Hall food list
We will be sending out the open spaces for hall food by Friday. If anyone would like to donate paper plates, bowls, silverware and cups that would be wonderful. We are really low from the supplies that we had last year. Please let me know if you are willing to help.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

One special NCSSM tradition is Convocation. This is an important event where we welcome the new school year. Traditionally we walk with our sister hall and sit with them during the ceremony. Afterward there is a reception on Bryan Lawn. The Speaker this year was Dr. Cates. She is an NCSSM alumnus and now co-owns her own Chemical company. Her challenge for the students this year includes four things: believe in yourself, find your passion, be brave, and dream big. Other speakers included the student body president, Saumil jariwala, and Charles Eilber.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Ice Cream Social/Dance
After the Junior picnic there is always the ice cream social/ dance that follows. We start the dance by eating our fill of drumsticks, fudgesicles, and ice cream sandwiches. Then we dance! The electric slide, making up dance moves, and singing Taylor Swift at the top of our lungs were just a few of the favorites. The ice cream social is a good way to make friends and express yourself. The rule is, you do not have to be good, you just have to dance!
Junior Picnic
The Junior picnic is the first social event where all the juniors, senior leaders, and SLI's get together. This event takes place on Bryan Lawn. We enjoy hamburgers, hotdogs, veggie burgers, each others company and much more. This is a great tradition, and helps juniors meet each other, SLI's, and senior leaders in an open, friendly atmosphere.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Hall of Wonders
This year, First Hunt’s hall theme is “The Hall of Wonders,” which is based on the proverbial Seven Wonders of the World. Along with the classical list of seven wonders, newer lists of seven wonders have recently been created. Although many such lists exist, we have chosen to focus on the following wonder lists: Ancient, Medieval, Modern, Natural, and Engineering. Since there are five wonder lists with seven wonders in each list, each of the 35 residents on hall is assigned one specific wonder. As such, students can participate in cooperative and competitive activities amongst the five wonder lists. This hall theme has a lot of potential, and we all look forward to working with each of you wonderful residents in the future!
Matt Hughes-RLA

Colin Ringwood - RLA

Why hello there. I didn't see you come in. Well, let me introduce myself. I am Colin Ringwood, one of your 1st Hunt RLAs for the year. I am originally from New Jersey, and after my freshman year, I moved down to Clayton, NC. I have 1 brother who is 4 years older than me, and a cat named Shiva. Here at NCSSM, I am involved in quite a lot. I am captain of the Science & Math Ultimate Frisbee (SMUF) team, which ranked 3rd in the state last year. I am very active in drama, and I participate in each of the plays/musicals that are produced during the school year. I also host the Koffeehaus events that take place throughout the year. My favorite subject at Smath is physics and I have been taking quite a few of those classes. Although I was not on 1st Hunt last year, I am very excited to be part of the 1st Hunt family this year. My door is always open and I love visitors so dont be shy to pop in and say hello. Peace.
Caleb Dagenhart - RLA
Dustin Fuller - RLA

Welcome to NCSSM! I am one of your four great RLAs, Dustin Fuller, currently residing in the annex! My hometown is located right outside of Raleigh in Garner, North Carolina. I live with both of my parents and my younger sister and brother. I eat just about any type of food and listen to all varieties of music. Soccer is my favorite sport and I've played every year since I was three. Carolina Tarheels are the number one team to pull for! I can't wait to chill with the First Hunt 'Bros and live it up on 1st HUNT!
Michael Newbauer - Director of Residential Life/1st Hunt SLI
Welcome to 1st Hunt! We have a lot planned for you this year. I am excited to be working on such a great hall. This will be my fourth year on 1st Hunt. I was previously on 2nd Hill for 7 years. I look forward to meeting you this Saturday. Just a couple of reminders that you will need to bring dress clothes for Convocation. Also will need a white T-shirt for the T-shirt signing dance.
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